

Special Needs teacher, “Such a simple answer to a serious problem.”

Administrator, “Responding to an issue, it’s good knowing I’m not facing a student armed with a steel legged chair. With these chairs, we have made every effort to create a safer classroom.”

Policeman, “A student armed with a block of Recycled Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) is far less dangerous.”

Para, “I can focus more on teaching.”

Coach, “I can take on a student throwing Recycled Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) chairs if I have to.”

Special Needs Teacher, “The students seem to focus better now that the weapon chairs are gone.”

Student, “I love my pink chair!”

Parent, “I can worry less about my child.”

Student, “Wow, these are cooooool!”

Teacher Union Rep, “My members will be safer from injury and (law) suit!”

Parent, “The classroom looks like a flower garden of color!”

Ed Bandy | 817-320-2560 | [email protected]